Monday, January 19, 2009
When Fathers Eat Their Young....
As told by beloved30 at 9:25 PM 2 Two Cents'
Friday, January 16, 2009
Bestest Buds
This was taken a few hours after the story above took place. Charlie seems to like her more everyday. Though he seems to get jealous that Chloe goes with me every time I leave and he has to stay at home. We do try to take him with us when we can so he doesn't start his own type of sibling rivalry.
Aww, look! They're both smiling!
My little bed hogs... actually I consider Charlie the foot warmer and Chloe the alarm clock, ha ha!
The pacifier is the snooze button, it'll buy me about 8 more minutes of sleep.
My cozy little foot warmer, the only downside is this one hops out of the bed when I move too much and has a tendency to make his way in between Preston and me where it's warmer.
As told by beloved30 at 10:17 AM 2 Two Cents'
Friday, January 9, 2009
New Year with a new baby
I took this picture of Preston and Chloe and it made me laugh. It also made everyone I showed it to laugh too! I'm going to title it: Dad's Idea of Babysitting. I should learn how to paint and recreate it. It's almost a modern Norman Rockwell, right? Can't you see it hanging on my wall? I love it!
Chloe has been smiling alot lately. Grins but no giggles. We're still waiting on that one. She'll make little noises that I think are laughs but she's never smiling when she does it. Though she has found her voice and she loves to coo and talk to us. I think she has the prettiest little voice and I love the sound of it. I think she is so pretty! Every time I see her I just want to squeeze her and whenever I talk to her I call her Pretty Girl. That and Chubba-lubba. Or Chubby Cheeks.
I love how her eyes are all squinty in this one. She's so cute!!! I took it today and it's already the wall paper on my computer. Her shirt is open because I had just finished changing her diaper and she started smiling at me AND I had the camera right there on my nightstand.
I took this when we got home from her baby blessing on Sunday. Grandma Gaye (my mom) made the dress and the headband. Grandma Foster (Preston's mom) made the little crochet booties that you couldn't see under the dress because it was about three feet long from the waist. I about peed my pants in delight when she smiled for the camera! Especially while she was wearing her pretty dress. And then she kept smiling for it! This one is my favorite!
Our little family. I should have grabbed Charlie and put him in it too. Darn it! Oh well, I'll be sure to get one of those later.
As told by beloved30 at 4:18 PM 3 Two Cents'
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
I'm 23 today! The sad part is that I had to do the math to figure that out. Or maybe that's a good thing? I don't know really.
So far today I've gotten a full night of sleep and the happiest grin I've ever seen on Chloe's face when she saw me coming to get her to change her diaper. A great big toothless one! Like this one:She's been in a good mood today.
Sorry it's been so long since my last blog. I've been busy with my little Chloe Lynn. It's really hard to type and hold a baby at the same time. I promise I'm still here!
As told by beloved30 at 1:57 PM 3 Two Cents'