On the 8th we made yet another trip to see Dr. Tutt. Last time we were there he told us that we would do another ultrasound so see if it was a Parker or a Chloe. I was so excited that I was doing everything about an hour early, like picking up Preston from work, ha ha! I knew I was early so I brought the latest Stephanie Meyers book that I was halfway through (The Host, and I highly recommend it to anyone!) and ended up chatting with Preston's co-workers as it wasn't very busy in there anyways. The funny thing about me getting there 45 minutes early to pick him up is: 1) He gets off at 3:00 and 2) my appointment was at 4:10. Hey I was excited, what do you expect???
After what seemed like forever Preston finally clocked out and we left. We drove to the county library to drop off and pick up some stuff then headed for the doctors office and got there at like 3:30. All prepared to sit and read we got called in like 3 minutes later. We were actually out of the office before my appointment was actually scheduled, ha ha! But I'm getting ahead of myself!
We went in with a nurse, I got on the scale (I've only gained like 5 pounds, neener neener neener!) went in the room, took off my shoes, sat on the table with the butcher paper, and got cold goop squirted onto my belly (again, I guess I can't complain, there were no needles to speak of). We listened for the heartbeat but once again couldn't find it (turns out the placenta is on the front) wiped off the goop and prepared to wait for the doctor. Two minutes later Dr. Tutt comes in and squirts more goop on my belly, but this time... it was warm! Yay for heating pads!
And there was the baby. The baby had the hiccups. It was so cute! I always think the baby looks so squished whenever we see an ultrasound but it never fails to be one of the most peaceful looking places to be.
The doctor measured the baby's ribs and leg bones and head and confirmed that it weighed 1lb and that my due date is still November 12th. We found a cute little profile with a nose.

And a cute one with it's arm and hand over it's face like it forgot something, ha ha!

Then we tried to see WHAT it was, other than just a baby... Unfortunately the fetal position places feet in front of strategic areas... Little punk. The doctor said he thought it looked like a girl but it wasn't for sure cause of that foot.

5 Two Cents':
I'm reading the Host too! I'm only like 5 chapters in, but it's really good so far!
Oh no! So when will you get to go back in to find out what you are having? Hopefully soon? I'm sure the anticipation is killing you. It's not even my baby and I can't wait to find out for you guys! :)
Haha. Little punk! Love that little niece or nephew... being all modest and wanting to surprise you!
Wow! What an experience! Hopefully you can find out next time what you are having. It just shows you what kind of personality your little one is going to have!! Just wait!
Wow! What an experience! Hopefully you can find out next time what you are having. It just shows you what kind of personality your little one is going to have!! Just wait!
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