I went to the doctor yesterday. The doctor checked me and said I was dilated to a one!!! I'm pretty ecstatic! (To everyone that wants to leave a comment at this point that says something to the extent of "Yeah but it could be another 3 weeks before you actually have it..." Please don't. I will only want to punch you. Don't burst the bubble of excitement!) I've been having contractions (mostly painless ones aka braxton hicks) on and off but they are actually the reason for my progress. I forgot to ask the doctor what percentage I've effaced but he did say he could feel the head. I'm assuming that means it's sitting pretty low. Though I have a hard time believing that when it stretches and I suddenly can no longer breathe. I think the baby is uncomfortable now... I keep telling it that if it wants to stretch it has to come out first to do so and until then it'll have to be happy with the fetal position. It's not listening very well. Must be the Preston in it, ha ha!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Giggles while waiting...
So while we are waiting for the baby to make it's grand entrance Preston and I are getting everything around the house ready to go. I am proud to say we have the room all ready! I wanted to get it painted but that's probably not going to happen for a while and I'm not too concerned at the moment. I have other things on my mind like "Was that a contraction???" I know I'll know the real thing when it hits but there is such a thing as a painless contraction in early labor.The crib is all set to go and fully functional, the baby clothes, blankets and sheets are washed, folded and put away, and the diapers are organized by size. My mom got us our super cute crib and also made the crib quilt and the valence for the window. She also got us a swing, a play pen, 2 car seats, a cute little red recliner (that the baby won't even be able to use for a year or two), a walker, a simple fold up stroller (that we can't use till it's sitting up on it's own), and a bunch girl clothes. Yes, we can safely say Grandma Gaye is excited for her first grand baby (which she's positive is a girl)! She's even planning on making the clothes for the baby blessing already! She made my temple dress when we got sealed when I was 3. It was so beautiful! I can't wait to see what she makes for my baby!
Our first "baby" has been getting a lot of extra attention. I know we should be tapering off some of that attention to prevent "sibling rivalry" as the puppy books put it. But he's just so gosh darn cute! I think he knows something big is about to happen. Mostly cause the room that always stayed shut suddenly has a lot of traffic and new stuff to sniff. We've been introducing him to baby smells like diapers, baby powder, baby laundry detergent, baby shampoo and baby lotion.

As told by beloved30 at 5:22 PM 3 Two Cents'
Friday, October 24, 2008
By the way...
I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. He checked to see if I am starting to dilate and efface yet. It was the day before I was full term so I wasn't expecting anything to be happening at all but he said my cervix is softening. We're getting started!!! I'm dilating or effacing yet but it's encouraging to know something is happening. I want to have the baby as soon as I can so I have more time with it before I start school and I can sit through Thanksgiving dinner comfortably. I guess no matter what I'll be holding it within the next 4 1/2 weeks right? Uhrg! That sounds like forever!!!
As told by beloved30 at 11:06 AM 0 Two Cents'
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My Second Baby Shower
We had the best baby shower cake ever!!!
This is almost everything... cept for repeats...
I love the little slippers in this bath set!
As told by beloved30 at 10:59 AM 1 Two Cents'
Monday, October 13, 2008
My First Baby Shower!
To start off, Brittany Keliipuleole, YOU ARE AMAZING! She did a wonderful job putting everything together in spite of being pregnant herself and being completely stressed out about too many things at once! I love that girl!
I had so much fun. Several people came and brought lots of goodies for me and baby. Mostly baby. Even though October is so busy for everyone I know, I felt so loved by my friends and family that rearranged their day to come see me.
I didn't get a lot of pictures during the party. I was busy talking to everyone and Preston wasn't in a picture taking mood. A couple other people got some pictures and said they would e-mail them to me. I just haven't gotten them yet but that's ok! This isn't everyone who came but it's all the pictures I have.
These are a few of my favorites. The green and yellow blankets are actually burp rags but they are super velvety soft! I love them!
As told by beloved30 at 4:51 PM 6 Two Cents'
Monday, October 6, 2008
Hey look a rainbow!!!
These are some cute pictures I've been meaning to post for a while. Aren't my boys so cute??? I can't wait to add our baby to our family pictures!!!
Preston is so cute!!!!
Mom and Dad to be! Our kid is gonna be the cutest!!!
As told by beloved30 at 1:22 PM 1 Two Cents'
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Time to weed the yard...
My funny little Charlie dog loves to go outside. He loves to dig. Though he doesn't really dig holes, they look more like trenches. It's kinda funny. There are also alot of weeds in my front yard. All kinds. You know the kind with the little sticky seeds that use animals to spread them? We got those too. Charlie like to sniff them, walk through them and roll in them. Today he went out for a bit longer than it takes to actaully go potty. He does that. This is what came back in...
Oh Charlie, Charlie, Charlie... if this is an example of what to expect from my babies what is a kid with opposable thumbs and 10 times your curiosity going to do???
As told by beloved30 at 11:37 AM 4 Two Cents'