I've been meaning to sit down and blog for a while can you tell? 3 in one day! Anyways...
Monday, December 8, 2008
Temple Lights
As told by beloved30 at 12:23 PM 1 Two Cents'
Our Ward Chistmas Party
We went to our ward Christmas party on Saturday night and had so much fun. It was by far the best one I've ever been to. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE our ward??? Well I do. I've never felt so welcome or so loved by so many people that I barely know. Anyways...
The night finished with SANTA! The first thing he did was announce to all the kids that if they wanted an extra special Christmas present this year all they had to do was get a bail of hay for his reindeer and have their dad put it on the roof so they could have a snack too! A few dad's sitting in the back of the room started shouting "Get him! Get Santa!" and all the kids were shouting "NO! Don't!" I was just glad that Chloe isn't old enough to understand and ask Preston to put a bail of hay on the roof this year! We'll stick with carrots when she is old enough, ha ha!
We got a picture of Chloe with Santa though. It will be the last one for a while where she's not crying, ha ha!
As told by beloved30 at 11:45 AM 1 Two Cents'
The Magic Swing
A few days ago Chloe was all fussy and I couldn't make her happy. She had a clean diaper, a full tummy and warm toes and fingers. Nothing I did would make her happy. So I thought "What's the worst that could happen? She might scream some more?" I stuck her in the swing and started it. A few minutes later...
I love this thing!!! She sat in it for about an hour and a half and only started screaming again when she was hungry. I actually got some stuff done for once! Apparently she just likes to look around once in a while. She's such a good baby!
As told by beloved30 at 11:07 AM 1 Two Cents'
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Things we've learned about Chloe...
Oh my, this kid is her father's daughter! And her mom's too!
Reasons she's Preston's Kid:
1. She has her dad's feet! 2. She farts about as much if not more than he does! And they usually smell just as bad!
3. She is sooooo long! She's in the upper 95% of the growth chart.
4. She eats like him. Lots and lots. I can breastfeed her for two hours almost straight except for burping and she'll still happily take a 2oz bottle of formula!
Reasons she's mine:
1. She already sleeps though the night, and she'll take a long early morning nap after a diaper change bathroom break and breakfast! (We like our sleep)
2. She has THE MOST expressive face! All smiles when she has gas, an awesome death look, and what we lovingly call the Popeye with the squinty eye. There's plenty more but those are my favorites!
Other fun stuff we've discovered:
1. She will wait for a clean diaper before she poops, and then it's about 5 seconds before we have to change her again.
2. She can pee about 5 times in an hour! It's amazing... unless I have to change all of them.
3. We can't imagine what life was like before she came along. How did we live without her???
As told by beloved30 at 10:17 PM 4 Two Cents'