We went to our ward Christmas party on Saturday night and had so much fun. It was by far the best one I've ever been to. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE our ward??? Well I do. I've never felt so welcome or so loved by so many people that I barely know. Anyways...
The evening started with a wonderful spaghetti and meatball dinner with bread sticks (from Little Caesar's, lol!) salad and a ginger ale punch (yummy!). It was so good! There were cookies at the very end too! After dinner there was a really fun program that started with a couple very talented singers and then the primary kids sang a few songs while they were all dressed up as wise men, angels, and various animals. They were so cute!!!

Then the other Foster family brought in two bagpipes, and drums. That was really cool. Two of their daughters did a couple traditional dances as well.

Every time they would start a new song Chloe's eyes would get really big for a few seconds and when they stopped playing her eyes would bug out again from the deafening silence that followed. Preston and I couldn't stop laughing! She's so funny! Following that our ward choir director got up and led the whole crowd in the most awesome/embarrassing rendition of the 12 days of Christmas I've ever heard. I know it's hard to understand in this video, but there are lines like "Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet" and "Ten lords a-leaping (while jumping up and down and signing as low as you can)" You get the idea...
The night finished with SANTA! The first thing he did was announce to all the kids that if they wanted an extra special Christmas present this year all they had to do was get a bail of hay for his reindeer and have their dad put it on the roof so they could have a snack too! A few dad's sitting in the back of the room started shouting "Get him! Get Santa!" and all the kids were shouting "NO! Don't!" I was just glad that Chloe isn't old enough to understand and ask Preston to put a bail of hay on the roof this year! We'll stick with carrots when she is old enough, ha ha!
We got a picture of Chloe with Santa though. It will be the last one for a while where she's not crying, ha ha!
1 Two Cents':
I love that picture. Chloe is just soo cute!
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