So, I have a funny story, at least I think it's funny. As we all know, Preston and I are moving tomorrow. Last night my Grandad came down from Prescott and borrowed a truck and a little trailer from my uncle Andy, so we moved our couch over to the house. When we moved it... this is what we found...
It's confetti from our New Years party, ha ha! My sister in law Meredith brought these 'flickers' to my place on New Years. The nice thing about them was that there wasn't any gunpowder or whatever they put in those poppers to make them explode. You just take one of these 'flickers' by the end and swish it through the air and out comes the the most fantastic display of little bits of tissue paper flying though the air. There were five or six in the package she brought. I told her to do one in the house thinking "That little thing? It might be kinda cool and there's no explosion, so what the heck?" Then as it's coming down in droves I'm thinking "What the HECK!? Where did all that come from???" After that we just used the rest in the living room as well cause by then I'm going "Well, what the heck. I'll have to clean all this up as it is, we might as well have fun making it." I actually found some in my closet yesterday too. I have no idea how it got there. When I pulled the couch out it was stuck on the wall too. And earlier this week when I pulled my pictures off the wall I found some stuck to the wall there too. This stuff is like impossible and I'll probably keep finding more at the new house and be completely confused on how it made the trip. Anyways that's my funny story...
Oh and Charlie thought it was the coolest thing when we pulled the cushions off the couch and it was something he could reach without trying. He also found a mostly chewed rawhide bone in it too! Extra prizes all around!!!
9 months ago
1 Two Cents':
Hahahaha! That was such a fun night! And those flickers were awesome. I told you we should have gone outside to use them! But at least you're still having some New Year's "fun" in June with them!
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