This morning as I was waking up I had a strange feeling... in my belly! It was dancing around and I could barely feel it, but it wasn't imagined because the movements were too unexpected and random. It was like little eyelashes softly moving up and down and all around. All day I argued with myself about whether it was real or not, it was driving me nuts! I've been so anxious to feel my little one move that for the last two weeks or so whenever I laid down I would hold as still as I could to try and see if I could feel anything. All I would feel was my pulse thumping all over my body. Until then, I never knew my own heartbeat could irritate me! It was like it was interrupting whatever I might have felt.
Speaking of heartbeats, we had another doctors appointment today. This time they were able to find the baby's heartbeat. It was slower than I thought it would be but, they said it was normal so I was happy. (I think I was secretly hoping they wouldn't find it and do another ultrasound so I could see my baby again.) I told Dr. Tutt about my maybe or maybe not movements in my tummy, and he confirmed that it was in fact the baby from the way I described it to him. (So, I won my argument with myself, HA!) He also measured my belly and said I was right on schedule. Oh by the way, I have a belly now! Not that I didn't before but it's starting to look pregnant. I could still pass for just chubby but, I'd rather look pregnant. There's a growing hard spot in the middle of the belly, which is fun to freak Preston out with when I put his hand there and make him feel it, he he he!
Oh and I almost forgot... Preston has changed his mind about wanting to know what the baby is, thank goodness! What changed his mind??? Funny you should ask, this should give you a brief glimpse of how cheap a "semi-newlywed-husband-with-a-baby-on-the-way" can be. We were talking to a couple of friends that have several kids (aka: experience). They told us how with their first kid, (or maybe the second?, whatever it was!) they decided they would find out but make it a surprise for everyone else and keep it to themselves. Turned out, they got almost nothing for mystery baby but with their next one they told everyone and got tons of presents for it! Preston told me later that week that he had changed his mind because... quote "I want the free stuff so I don't have to buy it!" I love him, sometimes I wonder why, but I still just can't get enough of him!
Oh and while we are on the subject of crazy people... if anyone has seen my brain, I would like it returned. It'll be the one with the twitch. If it's not returned by the time the baby is 5 I'm going to assume the baby ate it for lunch a month ago! Probably sucked it out like jello through the umbilical cord... just my luck...
9 months ago
6 Two Cents':
I am so glad to see that you guys have a blog! You need to add some friends to it and make me one of them!! It is so neat to read about all your pregnancy experiences! My dr was dr. layton and I think he shares the office with dr. tutt? Maybe? Well check out my blog too!! TTYL
Ohhhh that's so exciting!! Just you wait, soon you will really feel your little one move all the time and you'll even be able to see your stomach move. It's CRAZY!!
Crazy, Crazy Miss Amy! That hard spot was so wierd to feel. I love watching Preston freak out, so anytime you do that you have my approval! Haha. Love yas!
Oooh Big, no wait, HUGE contest going on for all of the Stephanie Meyer's books. Here is the link with all the details!
Thought I would let you know.
Oooh. I likey the new layout.
YAY!!! I'm so glad you have a blog!!!!! Now I can see the baby and everything! :) Keep watching my gets WAY better! haha! Love you!
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