Recently Preston and I realized that we hadn't paid tithing for a while. It was one of those times where at first you justify (or at least try to) with"I'll make up for it next week cause I already spent everything I had" or "I forgot the checkbook" or "But we need the money to pay some bills". After a while of not doing it you get out of the habit and don't even think about it till someone mentions it in a talk or you see someone handing the bishop an envelope. Even then you kinda brush it off and try to ignore the guilty feeling that's attempting to tie a sailors knot with your intestines. We realized it had been a while when we went for tithing settlement in December. Suddenly it made sense why we were struggling so much!
We started paying every week again and things got better. On Fast Sunday I paid fast offering and prayed and fasted for financial help of some kind. THE VERY NEXT DAY Preston got a dollar raise! A week later we got our HUGE tax refund!
So yeah... I think I've learned a lesson here!
Oh hey, I'm trying something new. New is scary. So be nice to me. We'll see how it goes cause I'm still unsure about it. It's a new blog of mine. Mostly for myself cause I find it very therapeutic to write, so if you don't like it, DON'T TELL ME. If you do well that I would like to know about, or not if you don't want to tell me, lol. It's .
I'll post more pictures of Chloe next post k? I don't have my camera or sd card with me right now, and I'm feeling too worn out from playing so much wii fit to get up and get it, sorry!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Power of Paying Your Tithing...
As told by beloved30 at 6:44 PM 0 Two Cents'
Monday, February 16, 2009
Look What Wii Got!!!
So...Excellent news!!! We got our tax return back and unlike last year we didn't owe. In fact, because of our favorite little baby girl we got a lot back! So much that we thought we would have some fun AS WELL as taking care of some debt and bills. We did need a new computer or at least we will soon so we got this little Acer Netbook at Costco for $300. I love it! It's more technically mine since the last one was labeled Preston's. It's got an 8.9 inch screen and is perfect for me! I am blogging from it right now. We also had so much fun last weekend in Prescott with my mom's Wii that we went ahead and got one and a Wii Fit. It's great! I keep wearing myself out on it (which is good cause I never exercise otherwise). Again, we LOVE it! Preston's pretty thrilled, he's been trying to get me to let him get a game console of any kind for a while now. This is the first one I've really wanted to play more than once in a great while.

As told by beloved30 at 7:13 PM 2 Two Cents'
Friday, February 13, 2009
Winter Wii-derland!
My mom invited us up to Prescott for the weekend and for once we weren't busy. I guess that means the holiday busy season is over. The gifts have been given, the celebrations celebrated, the baby's been born, and decorations are down... Oh,wait... nope, tree's still standing... Hey, I have a baby now! Stop laughing at me! At least it's a cute tree!
Anyways... We went to Prescott and had so much fun! The original plan was to go to Out of Africa in Camp Verde but it was looking kinda FREEZING and rainyish outside so we opted out and had a nice warm day in.
Instead of freezing our tushies off we played with my mom's brand new Wii and Fit. I WANT ONE NOW!!! And mom (Grandma Gaye) played with Chloe. Fun all around...
The next morning... I was in pain... I pushed myself to get the high score on advanced hula-hoops with the Wii Fit. That was after doing the regular version of the hula-hoops 2 or 3 times to unlock it, then trying twice to get the high score. Oh and I did the yoga, the jogging, the boxing, the balance games, the ski jump, and more stuff I can't think of right now. I loved that thing... apart from when it measured how fat I was... but it's good because it keeps track of your progress (or not) if you're trying to lose weight. So... I want one now.
As told by beloved30 at 7:12 AM 0 Two Cents'
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Chloe being cute!
I love how after the Superbowl ended the news decided to fill time they had to analyze how the Cardinals lost. The Office was on 10 minutes late because they couldn't figure out how to sum it up in a few simple words: They lost. Now back to our regular programing...
Anyways afterwards was more fun. To me anyways. This is of Chloe hanging out with Grandma Foster. She loves Grandma! Oh and she's so cute, I love this thing she does with her hands, like she about to say a prayer. I love my baby girl!
Preston took this one after church today. It's an awful one of me but it's funny that we are laying in the same position. We were sleepy. It was a late night last night.
Oh and on the night of Monday the 26th of January, Chloe laughed for the first time. It took a while and a lot of hard work and I am realizing that when she "laughs" most of the time it's more of a "huh". It's still cute. But this one was undeniably a laugh. I love this baby!
As told by beloved30 at 9:53 PM 2 Two Cents'