So...Excellent news!!! We got our tax return back and unlike last year we didn't owe. In fact, because of our favorite little baby girl we got a lot back! So much that we thought we would have some fun AS WELL as taking care of some debt and bills. We did need a new computer or at least we will soon so we got this little Acer Netbook at Costco for $300. I love it! It's more technically mine since the last one was labeled Preston's. It's got an 8.9 inch screen and is perfect for me! I am blogging from it right now.
We also had so much fun last weekend in Prescott with my mom's Wii that we went ahead and got one and a Wii Fit. It's great! I keep wearing myself out on it (which is good cause I never exercise otherwise). Again, we LOVE it! Preston's pretty thrilled, he's been trying to get me to let him get a game console of any kind for a while now. This is the first one I've really wanted to play more than once in a great while.

On top of all that, we're trading in our old Kodak for a new one. The one we have was a replacement that I used my warranty on when my last one broke. When that happens you don't get another warranty on the replacement. Fortunately it hasn't broken yet, so before it does we are going to use Kodak's new exchange program and get reimbursed a little money for our old one and get a nicer brand new one WITH a warranty. This one... it's got HD and 14 megapixels and lots of cool new picture taking technology! It should be here by Wednesday or Thursday. Yay!!!

Oh and of course as always Chloe is getting cuter by the minute! Her shirt here says Caution: Frequent Leaks. Grandma Foster and Meredith found them right after me and Preston got married 3 years ago. They found them last week buried in a closet. There were two matching onesies that said the same thing so I gave one to my good friend
Brittany for her baby (due in early March or now, whatever comes first).
Chloe wore this dress to church on Sunday. Not the hat because it didn't fit very well, but she looked so adorable. And EVERYONE said so. How did I get such a pretty baby? I can't wait to see what the rest of my kids will look like. Was this a fluke or will they all be gorgeous?
The red ribbon replaced the hat for church. I love dressing her up!!! I can't wait till she has hair to put into braids and piggy-tails!

The full ensemble. Her Grandma Foster made some little crochet shoes that are just like the socks. I was trying them both on to see which one fit better. Neither would stay on her long skinny feet! She ended up barefoot by the time I got to Relief Society. Stinker! She really does have her dad's feet! Oh, Oh! Her eyes are turning green!!! Just like mine!!!

I had my final OB appointment today, just a check up on my new birth control to make sure everything is normal and good. Before we left I made sure I got a picture of Dr./Brother Tutt holding Chloe (I never know what to call him). I need to be sure to send him a copy to put on his board in his office. He is such a great doctor. I highly recommend him to anyone having a baby!
2 Two Cents':
so fun! Woot Woot for tax returns!
I <3 Dr. Tutt! I would not go to ANY other OB! He ROCKS! I actually got 2 of my sister-in-laws to go to him finally! :D
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