Today was Chloe's 6 month birthday! I can't believe it's already been 6 months!!! Where did the time go? My baby isn't going to be a baby very much longer huh? I better stop blinking. But the thing is I really do soak in every moment with her, so I don't understand why it's the middle of May and she's 6 months old.
I also recently noticed that she's growing a little more hair lately and her little bald spot on the back of her head is starting to fill in! Yay!
I took pictures of her today to commemorate her halfway mark and noticed that she's starting to look more and more familiar. I dug through some old pictures and figured out why. So here goes... Like Father Like Daughter:
And here we have... Like Mother Like Daughter:I love that she has her father's grin and her mama's crinkle eyes when she smiles. And I got those from my dad. Too bad she didn't get my dimple! Maybe my next kid. I love this baby girl!
She's getting more and more coordinated and I swear she reads my e-mails... And what I mean by that is I get these e-mails from and they will tell me about another milestone or development that I should look for in the next week or two if I haven't already seen it. For example I got one that said my baby should be able to hold a bottle on her own. The next bottle I gave her, she grabbed and held it in her mouth till it was gone. Oh and as an update on the whole rolling over thing. She finally rolled from her tummy to her back but it was more of an accident that I tricked her into. She definitely has her own agenda or schedule or whatever you want to call it. Little stinker!
She's so much fun to play with now too. She will clinch her eyes shut when you blow on her tummy, and laugh when you make a funny noise, or if I just grin at her really big she'll grin really big back at me. We just have too much fun together! I love her so much I just can't stand it sometimes!!! Ha ha! I hugged her so tight today that she barfed on me. I love watching her grow and learn but I wish I could slow down time because it's going too fast!
I better go now. It's way past bedtime and Chloe wakes up with the sun now and the sun comes up before God turns on the air in the summer. I need to get some blackout curtains for her room! Goodnight!
9 months ago
1 Two Cents':
She is too cute! You're very lucky that she held her bottle, Breena still won't do that and she's approaching 8 months!
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