I need to rant for a minute!
I have 3 or 4 friends that just had their babies and I'm going nuts! I want mine. I can feel feet and legs now when I feel my belly. It's so surreal to me that there is a tiny little person inside of me and I don't know what it is and I can't hold it and I can't see it. In essence it's making me crazy and very tired.
Preston's getting to be a better sport about the whole thing as he watches me get bigger and reads more of his daddy books. That helps a ton! It seems like as I lose patience and sanity he gains what I've lost.
It's getting more difficult to bend over, breathe, sleep and look in the mirror. Will it ever end? It's a little reminiscent of elementary school days when you had three weeks left till summer and just when you thought the clock couldn't move any slower it starts to go backwards (or at least it looks like it does)! I know it will end soon and I will get to hold my baby and everything will have been worth it but right now 9 weeks sounds like 9 months!
*deep breath*
Thanks for listening...
P.S. I actually really really really love being pregnant! I'm just having a make-it-go-faster moment that I will regret in about 3 years and wish I could rewind back to and live it again. You know?
9 months ago
6 Two Cents':
Not only that, the baby is sooo much easier to take care of where it is right now!!
HAHAHA Everything you just said is SO true. Believe me(well, I guess I posted something along the same lines a while ago), you will miss your little baby because the time just FLIES by. Then your kid is turning 2 and running everywhere, wearing you out. :) HAHAHA. It will all be over soon and you will get to enjoy all the late nights, loud cries, and poopy diapers to your heart's content.
I know what your going through. As the weeks and days counted down it still seemed like your going to be pregnant forever. Hang in there.
Your sweet lil' one will be here sooner than you think. "SHE" will catch you by surprise. :)
Patience Amy! He/She will come soon enough! I remember feeling the same way with Ethan and being frustrated that all of my friends were having their babies ( even weeks early) and i was overdue, big, hot and still pregnant! But seriously enjoy the time you have feeling a beautiful little life inside of you, I miss that feeling and you will too! It is such a special time!
Question: i love how you only have your friends blogs show up on your side bar whenever they have posted. How did you do that? please send the directions my way!
Hey Aimee, I remember feeling the same way! I can't wait for you find out what Baby Foster is, you haven't yet, right? Good Luck in this final stretch!
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