So... I've decided to chop my hair... again... and donate it to Locks of Love!
Why why why would I want to mutilate all the hard work and time my head put into growing it to my lower back over the last two years, you ask??? Well... Someone, or anyone for that matter forgot to tell me that when you have a baby your hair goes though different stages (ok, ok Bridget did tell me but I thought that I might be different cause my hair is so wonderful and generally perfect). Long scientific explanation cut short: Your hair gets thicker while pregnant and back to normal(ish) about 4-6 months after childbirth. Yippie. *monotone voice*
So, because of this *sniff* (I can't avoid the word anymore) hair loss I am shedding more than a Shetland Sheepdog! I run my fingers through my hair and come out with what seems to me like a handful on my hand. Chloe's fingers and toes seem to always have hair entwined in them. I ALWAYS feel like I have spiderwebs sticking to my shirt sides and tickling my arms. My shower drain is getting irritated with me. And, don't ask me how, but somehow, I really don't know how, hair finds it's way into my underwears... I know, gross! But it's the worst part of the whole thing! Oh and looking at my bed sheets? Yeah, well I make it look like we have an almost hairless dog. It's a tid bit ridiculous.
I read somewhere online that cutting your hair short makes the hair loss seem like it's not as bad or even normal. So that's what I'm going to do!
Next problem to solve: finding the right cut. I know I look cute with short hair, so I'm not worried about it being short. Just about finding the right one. I think I'll go a little shorter than I have before. Less of a bob and more of a pixieish look, like Alice on Twilight. Or not? I have a few ideas but I just don't know. What do you think?Or is it pretty much all the same haircut just done up differently?
9 months ago
5 Two Cents':
I like the first one for sure! Good luck with the cut!
I think I like the first one best, too. And I'm glad I'm not the only one that loses hair by the handfuls. Mine is starting to get better though, which it should since Breena will be 6 months old next week.
I was cracking up when I read the Shetland Sheepdog bit! Hahaha.
I definitely like the first one the best.. go for the Alice look all the way! I remember having thick, beautiful maternity hair and then even a few days after having Ethan, it went to nasty, thin hair! After a few months, it got better and now almost 2 years later, it is about normal. I have always been too scared to go short though! You are brave, but Im sure it will look great!
I vote the first one as well. I also lost TONS of hair. It has definitely gotten better for us but I thought I was going to go bald there for awhile.
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