Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My sweet baby girl!

I thought I would post some pictures of my little Chloe Lynn! She's too cute not to share them!

2 Two Cents':

Meredith said...

I like that last picture. It definitely shows how she has been lately. What with her looking around and staring off into space. She is just so cute!

Family of 3 said...

She is so precious! I'm sorry that I haven't made it over to see you both. I'm such a toot!

Tis' the season for RVS. I'm a little nervous about bring Miles around her. Plus, my fam is all busy during the day so no one can watch him. Let me know what you think? Should I wait until she is 6 weeks to visit?

Once again she is pretty, she looks like you.

Chloe getting bigger by the month...