I went to the doctor yesterday. Nothing has changed. I'm a bit depressed about that. I'm still 50% effaced and 1 centimeter dilated.
I'm thinking I need to remember how I feel about this so in the future when others are going through the same thing I can offer helpful words without being irritating or repetitive. I think I was hoping that I would be different than everyone and have a super easy time of it all. (Which in reality I have had about the easiest pregnancy ever! So I really shouldn't complain, especially since I haven't even gotten to my due date yet.) All I've done is frustrate myself... I know I wont be pregnant forever, but right now I feel kinda doomed and really fat and SUPER uncomfortable.
Poor Preston has been such a good sport about me. He deserves some kind of medal/humongous trophy! With an inscription that says something like best ever supporting role and most awesome best friend a pregnant woman could ever hope for!
Isn't it annoying when super blessed people complain? Sorry! I'm just moping, I'll stop now and I promise to be happier in my next post!
9 months ago
4 Two Cents':
It does get hard towards the end, huh? You are just so ready for it to be over with and to meet your new little bundle of joy!
Organic Red Raspberry Leaf tea is suppose to induce labor, I drank two cups and went on a walk the morning I went into labor. I don't know if I would have anyway, but it might be worth a try for you! I couldn't find it at the regular grocery store and had to buy it at Whole Foods.
Good luck in the coming days!
"You know what" is suppossed to induce labor. Worked for me, not to give you TOO much info, but it regulated my contractions and threw me into real labor (not to mention it makes hubbs very happy too, haha). Also, spicey foods worked well too. Always worth a try, right? Good luck....
Thanks you two! Those were the words I needed to hear. I feel better. For now anyways...
Ready for another labor story? I was one week over and still at a 0. But surprisingly I didn't mind. It was uncomfortable and I forgot what it was like to see my toes or be able to bend over, but I understood that any discomfort I felt was only because the baby needed room, and that helped me be patient. I also felt that the baby was much more comfortable inside where it was warm, safe and yummy. When I was 9 days over the due date my Doctor scheduled an inducement. I didn't want to be induced unnaturally so I took Castor Oil (not as bad as you think it is). Just a 1/2 tablespoon each half hour for an hour and a half with juice to chase it down. The next morning I was in labor. I think that castor oil only works if you are really ready to go into labor otherwise it just gives you a tummy ache. Hang in there, your sweetie is coming soon. The baby knows when the time is right.
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